Is China solely responsible for this global pandemic Covid-19 ?

by - 10:58 AM

Is China solely responsible for this global pandemic? 

From last few weeks China is getting continuously trolled by the world on their irresponsible action taken against this corona virus disease in earlier days when this virus was on the edge of spreading in different countries. From recent days news China is also facing some legal actions taken by lawmakers from around the world.

Of course china is to be blamed here for their unreasonable and unexpected act China did the following which led to the spread of this contagious disease.

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1.They hidden the cases in order to cover up the disease:

The first doctor to find about this Wuhan virus was Dr. Ai Fen she was the director of emergency department in the Wuhan central hospital. She was the first doctor who ordered test on corona virus patients. When she found that this virus is never heard before and a new type of virus she spoke about it in China in an magazine interview.She then circulated the diagnosis in her medical circle soon it was circulated to other doctors to and people started talking about this mysterious disease.

Than comes the first whistle blower Dr.Li Wenliang when he received this news he shared it further soon it got the attention of Chinese Government they found the circulation of this report and started covering up. Dr.Li was accused of spreading rumors by Chinese officials. And then officials found the source of this report who was Dr. Ai Fen she further received warning and told not to spread this information. Instead of listening to the concerns and taking immediate action the officials and staffed remain quite. And now nobody knows where Dr, Ai Fen is because she tried to gave all the information in a Chinese magazine interview.While Dr.Li was died in February because of the corona virus disease.
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2. Suppressed the cases:

China initially started playing the down count game they were not disclosing the real numbers and it is likely said that in earlier days of the spreading of this virus china government even ordered to vanish all the test taken in order to mislead the origin of this virus.

3.China claimed USA is the origin of this virus:

Yes you heard it right they were blaming USA migrants who has brought this virus in china and initially stating that China should not be blamed for the origin of this virus. As it is not proved that from where this virus has been originated but according to some officials it is likely to be generated from Wuhan's wet market which sells wild animals without any proper hygiene. China even don't want people to address this virus as Wuhan virus or Chinese virus because of which they are contacting other countries government to not label this virus with China.

Now, here instead of taking the responsibility of their action china is blaming others and running away from the consequences.

4. Didn't inform about the spread of virus

According to some officials the first case was detected in November,2019. China knew about it but than also they choosed to be silent. This virus was spreading drastically and till December the cases went high and from January the real challenge began. China didn't bothered to tell the world what was going till the news breakout and the world heard about it. Than also china was playing down the news was not showing the real condition but people were living in a disaster.

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W.H.O is relatively responsible in the spread of this virus. The director general of the World Health Organisation Tedros Adhanom Ghrbreyesus was merely responsible as he did not taken the correct actions and failed to fulfill his job. The virus became the pandemic because of the insufficiency of Dr. Ghrbereysus. He didn't fulfilled his role and now the world is questioning his credibility.Since the outbreak instead of taking it seriously he has defended china and didn't investigated further which he should have done.He said when he visited china and talked to the chinese president he was impressed by his leadership. He is blind to china's faultier when the whole world is blaming china he is praising them he has turned blind eye to china's action and people are asking for his resignation. 

China and W.H.O failed to contain the virus because of their irresponsible act and now the world is paying the price

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