Social Review: Depression and Suicide

by - 5:40 AM

Depression and Suicide

What is depression?

Depression is a mental health problem that involves a low mood and loss of interest in activities.
Lately the term 'Depression' has been used very carelessly. Being in depression makes you believe that your efforts are unavailing and there is nothing left in life, at this point suicide may seem like a better option but it is not. 

Eventually we become peculiar and reluctant to talk about our feelings which is more depressing. It is really important to talk out your feelings with your trusted one before doing something queer and unreasonable.

The Stigma of Depression | Talkspace

If you are in depression please read below

Life is a beautiful gift given by god accept it with contentment and try to face all the challenges it throws in your way because let's be honest that is what life is about, isn't it?
People around you will always have some prejudices about career,success,lifestyle etc. but those preconceived notions means nothing, you are you so, your meaning of success can only be defined by you.

Don't let anyone make you obliged to do something, don't pressure yourself on something which is purposeless for you and for your inner self, don't become futile just because you don't trust yourself because at the end all of this doesn't matter you will be left with you in end so do things to make yourself happy and be proud of yourself.

Your first priority should be you and your dreams and nothing and no one can come in the way. 

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Message for Trollers:

It's really easy to call out on someone with coward and irresponsible quotations because you never been in their situation. I am not advocating those people who take an unreasonable step of doing suicide of  course that neglecting behavior is highly unacceptable but please stop going overboard to just spread hate because at the end of the day he/she was victimized by the situation.

  Broken & Hopeful

No one's life is easy, everyone has to go through with some circumstances which maybe unfavorable but everyone one of us possess those abilities which is needed to fight against it. You just need to find it, it is hidden somewhere inside you maybe exploring yourself will help you to find how capable you are.
Never give up on yourself, you are no less than anyone you just have to find what's within you which will help you to be better version of yourself an 'upgraded one', which will be definitely more stronger to fight against every challenge.

Remember, at the end only you matter so don't give up on who you are because you never know how much potential you have to change the world.  

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