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Be Productive:Get most out of your quarantine days
How to be Productive?
Quarantine days are super boring and very unexciting all you can see is continuous panicking news or controversial tweets. Because every one has became so free nowadays we are continuously having thoughts to do something which is worth the time and our day could be more productive.
Trust me these days are so essential in our life by using it properly we can really enhance our personality and could become a better version of ourselves. In our daily rush life these days are meant to make human understand what really life is and what should be our priorities.

So here are some points to make your days more productive:
1.Learn English or Any New Language
Through many years it has emerged in human that the best way to use your time is either enhance your English or learn new languages. Now why? Well there are many reasons as we all know English is widely spoken language if you will learn english you can connect your thoughts to more people around the world your communication skills will improve and you will feel more confident while expressing yourself. With this learning any new language is very benefactory for future purposes as it adds more credibility in your resume and people will highly respect you.
2.Enhance Your Personality
Start reading articles based on informative topic or current affairs which will give you new idea, will change your perspective in a good way and will help you to get updated and there are many good books which gives a lesson of life some of the recommendation from professionals are:
- How to make friends and influence people
- Five people you meet in heaven
- The Secret
- Rich Dad Poor Dad
And frictional books are also good for improving your language.
There are many platforms like Quora where people share many informative answers and views you could use your free time by going through this website and selecting your interest.

3.Spend Time With Your Family
In our daily hustle bustle one thing which we completely avoid is spending time with our loved ones. It's really important to spend some quality time with our family trust me you will so relieved and refreshed and plus it's really healthy for your relationship. We often ignore this point in our life and at the end of the day sometimes we feel incomplete. Spending time with family genuinely improves your mental and physical health.
4.Do Workout at Home
Now many of us think it's impossible to do workout at home at some point my thoughts were same but one thing i have learned in my life that if you really have an urge to do something your mind and body will encourage you but if you will have any doubt or laziness in the back of your mind than your mind is likely to give you hundred of reason for not doing that work.
5.Maintain a Healthy and Proper Diet
The next thing which is probably will be missing in your daily life is healthy diet which we often ignore and regret later. There are so many professionals on internet who are giving constant knowledge about healthy diet one should definitely improve their diet plan in this free time and learn how to maintain it.

This were some common tips to enjoy or make your quarantine time make more productive you should even call your friends just to know how they are doing ;).
This is very crucial time for us so stay at home be safe and spread awareness not rumor.