What Is Calories? How much should we take in a day?

by - 7:04 AM

Daily Calorie Intake

Whenever we become conscious about our body the only thing which comes to our mind is that we should prepare a proper diet for ourselves and should start working out a little bit to get in shape.
What does proper diet means here? Basically if you will consult to any physical trainer or dietitian proper diet means proper intake of calories on a regular basis.

Now, What is Calories?

You have a bike it needs petrol in order to work and petrol is in liquid form so to measure it we use the term "Liters in the same way your body needs energy in order to perform any work in your lifestyle and to measure that energy we use the term "Calories".

Why is it so important to take proper amount of calories?

Well, if calories are energy than we could take as much as we want right? No, taking proper amount of calories is a must. Why? Because if a person eats more calories than they are required our body will change the calories into fat. That's why Dietitians suggest not to take high calorie food i.e junk food,sugary foods,candies etc.

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What kind of Food contains calories?

Every thing you eat contains calories. Do you think there are food with no calories? Well, no every food contain calories they might contain low calories but not no calories. 
Following is the chart showing how much a person should intake calories in a day

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A person should take calorie on account of the work they do in their lifestyle because calories are energy which burns while doing any activity so proper amount of calories is very essential in daily life style.

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